Wordcamp 2016 Toronto

I’m currently attending Wordcamp 2016 in Toronto, an annual event where designers, coders, marketing and business people who use WordPress get together to discuss ideas about how to better serve the communities we’re part of.

These events (which occur in cities around the world) are great because you get to hear from some great authorities in the web development and marketing world talk about the way that they work. There is always a huge amount of information presented on a range of topics (from Business, to Marketing, Design and development). I try to tap into the most relevant talks that provide ideas and solutions which I can use for the customers that I serve in Australia and around the world.

After attending my first Wordcamp in Toronto in 2014 and being blown away by the value of the conference, this year I signed up as a consulting sponsor to give something back to the community and support what I think is a great conference.

Today I’ve attended some good talks including “Search Engine Optimisation – It’s not just ranking anymore”, Advanced Online Internet Marketing by David Vogelpohl – Digital Strategist at WP Engine and a great panel discussion on Running a WordPress business which included industry heavyweights like Cory J Miller from, Brian Messenlehner – Web Dev Studios and John Eckhmann – VP at 10 Up.

I also got a chance to catch up with Ben Fox from Flowpress (who I met at Wordcamp 2014) as well as meet some new people who design and develop in the WordPress space.

Am looking forward to coming back tomorrow for another day of learning and information sharing with other passionate WordPress developers and Business owners.

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